Memes Analysis

When I think of memes I think of it as like one whole unite to share things with each other. They start and spread from one another. To me a meme is simply a  picture with a caption written on the top and the bottom that has something ironic with the picture or just a regular caption in general. Memes today are more for humor but that is not always its sole purpose. But I think especially on social media and the internet that it is for laughs.

Popular Memes

This meme in particular is of course for laughs but it is relatable to people. it uses a picture that represents the caption very well and makes it funny but also relatable to the audience.drakeThis another meme i have found that is also funny. The picture represents that overall caption very well and its audience is women. What makes it popular is the fact the the picture is of a very well known rapper, Drake.dr

When a certain picture of someone or something is caught and becomes viral on social media, memes are created most of the time to make fun of it. Also when talking about memes you also have to have a certain knowledge about something in order to understand a meme. A lot of times some memes are like an inside joke that not everyone would get and find funny. In this meme the caption is funny and there is a picture of Dr. Phil. Its funny because if you knew who he was and who he is you would be able to get the joke because that is something he would say.canvasThis is my own meme i created, and it had to do with the gorilla that was killed. It is supposed to be funny because its Michael Phelps and the caption is talking about Harambe. Its like the whole world is hurt because of Harambe was shot and killed but It was never really that serious and people just used it as a way of making jokes and being funny about it. The minor premise in this meme is that you should be upset when you think about Harambe and the major premise is that when Harambe was alive, everyone was happy. The type of audience for this is the people who understand the story that had happened with the gorilla and understand the joke.

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