Memes Analysis

When I think of memes I think of it as like one whole unite to share things with each other. They start and spread from one another. To me a meme is simply a  picture with a caption written on the top and the bottom that has something ironic with the picture or just a regular caption in general. Memes today are more for humor but that is not always its sole purpose. But I think especially on social media and the internet that it is for laughs.

Popular Memes

This meme in particular is of course for laughs but it is relatable to people. it uses a picture that represents the caption very well and makes it funny but also relatable to the audience.drakeThis another meme i have found that is also funny. The picture represents that overall caption very well and its audience is women. What makes it popular is the fact the the picture is of a very well known rapper, Drake.dr

When a certain picture of someone or something is caught and becomes viral on social media, memes are created most of the time to make fun of it. Also when talking about memes you also have to have a certain knowledge about something in order to understand a meme. A lot of times some memes are like an inside joke that not everyone would get and find funny. In this meme the caption is funny and there is a picture of Dr. Phil. Its funny because if you knew who he was and who he is you would be able to get the joke because that is something he would say.canvasThis is my own meme i created, and it had to do with the gorilla that was killed. It is supposed to be funny because its Michael Phelps and the caption is talking about Harambe. Its like the whole world is hurt because of Harambe was shot and killed but It was never really that serious and people just used it as a way of making jokes and being funny about it. The minor premise in this meme is that you should be upset when you think about Harambe and the major premise is that when Harambe was alive, everyone was happy. The type of audience for this is the people who understand the story that had happened with the gorilla and understand the joke.

Flourishing Through The Digital World

Visual representation of the “Digital World”

After being involved in the digital culture m perspective on it and my digital identity has changed. Digital culture is culture and the way of doing that people do in different online communities. At first I had no idea I was part of digital culture and the more I learned about it the more I noticed I was actually very so a part of the digital culture. The way you portray yourself to others within those communities and show you who are is your digital identity. The more and more I read up on concepts about these the more it actually helped me in my writing, and also giving me a new perspective realizing there are so many online communities where digital culture is heavily present.

The concept of digital culture goes deeper than to what the name is. I used to thinking digital culture was just the meaning of a certain online community, for example twitter is where people create tweets and socialize through that unlike instagram where people take pictures and add their own captions to it. I would think that that’s what digital culture is but it is more deep and it involves the individuals itself within those communities also. As far as digital identity goes, there are so many places to develop one and I learned how to develop my own with my blog on wordpress. I see myself as a very consistent digital writer because of the social media I use and the sites I use. The things you write in twitter or instagram are all apart of writing and I do that a lot so that’s how I se myself as a digital writer. I think I would be considered in a young digital writer category I would say since its mainly social media, but I definitely had no idea there were so many places you could involve yourself as a writer in.

After going through this course I made different projects including digital stories and instructive videos, learning that these equivalent to writing in the digital world. People who make video stories on the internet or wherever in their online communities could be called writers without have writing anything though because that’s their way to reach out and tell a story rather than typing pages. I also evaluated to the use of memes in today’s digital world an how it has changed and moved its away around in different places. That defiantly changed my perspective on digital culture because people use memes in different communities but if your joining a community that you have never been a part of then you might not understand some of the memes which that right there represents how digital culture works.

From the beginning of the semester I learned that there is internet dialect and language that goes on in todays online communities. In all of the different sits there are different ways and how we talk and act towards one other. The three big speech communities I use today are social media like twitter, Instagram, and my mail. There are different internet dialects for different communities. As for twitter it is a pace that is kind of like a blog except you are limited by how much you can say in a post and you can connect and communicate with others by following them. Instagram’s main purpose is more photo related in which you can add captions on photos and you can also follow people on it. There are norms that go along with every online community, which is also a part of its digital culture.

The past projects I have done in this course have really helped me with my creative side and helped shaped my perspective on everything in the digital word. There are so many ways you can develop you digital identity because it’s your style and most importantly its you. My little short introduction of myself in my blog was how was able to start off my digital identity. I then started my writing with “Are there internet dialects?” which was my perspective of the digital culture and dialects that came with it. I have grown through out the semester already with a new knowledge of things I never really tried to grasp, but for that I am a better writer.

Are There Internet Dialects?


The diversity of the Internet

In answering this question, there is most certainly internet dialects present Today.The man in the YouTube video pretty much explained how in different internet communities out there, there are certain ways people communicate to each other and a different behavior that is portrayed in different places. for example in social medias such as tumblr, people who use the site write differently than one would write in twitter or Facebook. The guy in the video explains that all of these sites today develop a norms in ways of writing. You wouldn’t not be able to fit in the tumblr community of you com in and write the way you do in twitter. You have to get used to way people normally write in that community. There is a certain dialect and language when coming across a new place for writing and communicating that you have to become accustomed to.

The three big speech communities i use today are social media like twitter, Instagram, and my email. Like the man in the you tube video said, there is different internet dialect for different communities. As for twitter it is a place that is kind of like a blog, except you are limited on how much you can  say in a post and you connect and communicate with others by following them. Instagram’s main purpose is more photo related in which you can add captions on photos and you can also follow people on there. There are norms that go along with every online community today.

When comparing Instagram and twitter with an email site, you wouldn’t typically try to message or get in touch with someone professionally as you would with an email. More people are starting to use Instagram and Twitter more for jobs and big business that advertise through that may use a different dialect than a person who is using it for personal use. It really depends on how you use it. The norms that go along with an email is that it tends to be more professional in communicating to someone.

I identify with these communities because with the twitter and Instagram I feel like it is very easy to connect and meet with other people. It has kind of gotten stuck on me since the first time I’ve used them. I defiantly feel the need to have and use email because it makes communicating with someone that is important look better like for example, a job or a teacher. And its a good secondary source of communication other that texting. I think that there is certainly people out there that have not been apart of the internet dialect that is developing in these communities but it takes time to become accustomed to the type of language we use in different places of the internet.